Welcome Calgary Unitarians!
Volunteers Needed Each Sunday:
2 ushers (arrive by 10:20, pass basket during services, counting after the service 10 minutes)
1 on the Welcome Table (arrive 10:20, set up and be present at Welcome table)
1 to check the candles and pebble bowl at the front of Panabaker Hall (check at 10:20, replace any candles low on wax, add water to bowl if necessary, light one tea light candle in each of the wall candle holders)
2 to help with coffee clean up. Our coffee makers come early to make coffee and set up. Let’s help with the clean up so they are not staying later to do that as well. (At 12:15, start clean up – take tables cloths off of unoccupied tables, start putting away food. You will find others will start helping as well! Takes approximately 15 minutes, depending on how many folks help out)
Time commitment: You could help out on a regularly scheduled basis, or once a month or once in a while.
If you are uncertain because you haven’t done any of these jobs before, never fear! We have experienced people who will show you what to do and good instruction sheets are also available.
Questions? contact Lynn Nugent llnugent@shaw.ca