The Caring Team
The caring team tends to the hearts of the congregation by coordinating the acknowledgment and support for members and friends as they experience life’s joys and challenges. We nurture a sense of belonging and participation in our Unitarian Community by:

Sending cards to recognize joys and sorrows in people’s lives.

We have blessing bags with various toiletries in them that we give to those in need.

Comfort shawls are made by our members and given to people suffering a loss.

On the fourth Sunday of every month we have soup and buns following the service, with contributions coming from our members.

We have a box of food donations that is stocked by our members and given to those inside and outside our community that are in need of the donations.

We provide hospitality for functions such as “Celebrations of Life” etc.

We have a community garden with 17 plots and rent them out to members in the summer months.

Approximately every 2 months a few people get together in our community kitchen to make and freeze meals for those people inside and outside our community who require a meal from time to time.